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SAP interview questions Top SAP interview questions Top SAP interview questions
Top SAP interview questions
- A table is buffered. By select statement i dont want to get the data from table buffer. i want to get the data from database. how?
- What is the diff b/w start_form and open_form in scripts?.why is it necessary to close a form always once it is opened?
- What is difference between ON Change of & At New Field?? Select Single * from & select Upto 1 rows
- Can we create Bar Chart in abap reports and how?
- CASE-1 : there are two clients using one Application Server . q1) Are pgms and tables client-dependent/independent CASE-2 : There are two clients using different Application Servers q1) Are pgms and tables client-dependent/independent
- When u create sales report what u can see in that report ?what rthose field names or data element names? 2.when u create material movement report what u can see in that reports ?what rthose field names or data element names? 3.what are the idoc names for material master,vendor master,customer master? 4.when u create purchase order details report what u can see in that report ?what rthose fieldnames or dataelements? 5.when u create material stock report in material master grouped by material type and plant what u can see in report ?what rthose field names or dataelement ? 6.what r the views for creating idoc in material master,vendor master and customer master? 7.when u create interactive report for displaying vendor information /customer information what u can see in that report ?what rthose dataelements or field names? 8.when u create shipping forecast report what u can see in that report ?what rthose data elements or field names? 9.when u create report for material analysis for purchasing organisation plant/vendor wise? what u can see in report ?what rthose field names or data elements?
- How to assign multiple transaction codes in a session method to BDC_Insert function module?
- “Check” and “Continue”. What is the difference?
- At-Line selection, At user-command etc..,
- “Exit” and “Stop”. What is the difference?
- What is the reserve command?
- Double click function on the lists, identifying the line selected by the user on the list.
- What are event keywords in reports?
- How can validate input values in selection screen and which event was fired?
- BDC Transaction code?
- What is the transaction code SM 31?
- How to navigate basic list to secondary list?
- If I am in 15th Secondary List how to navigate to 5th Secondary List?
- Which is the First character of creating LockObject?
- What is the Difference between Data Element and Domain?
- How many types of standard SAP Internal Tables?
- What is the Difference Between Tablecontrols and Step Loops?
- What are the Events in Dialog Programs?
- How many ways you can create Table?
- What are the Cluster Tables?
- How can you create push buttons in the MenuPainter?
- How many Layout sets u can create at a time?
- What are the Paragraph and character format?
- What are function modules in LDB?
- How can u create your own Function Module?
- What are Difference Between Classical Batch Input and Call Transaction?
- How can u call the Sessions?
- Can u call Report in Sap Script?
- How to Upload Logo to Layout Set and what is Program Name?
- What are the SET Parameter and GET Parameter?
- What are Text Elements?
- What are Dictionary Objects?
- What is an Interactive Report?
- How to Upload Logo to Layout Set?
- What are Layout set Elements?
- Distinguish between setscreen and call screen?
- What is ABAP Memory and SAP Memory?
- Explain Check Table and Value Table ?
- What is an Internal Table?
- How many types of Standard Internal Tables?
- What is Refresh in Internal Table?
- What is the Difference Between Collect and Sum?
- What are the ways of creating Tables?
- What are Function Modules?
- What is CAT?
- What is Search Help?
- Transaction Code for Recording Technique?
- What is LDB?
- What are the EVENTS in Report Program?
- Explain Call Transaction?
- What are EVENTS In Interactive Report & Explain?
- What are Text Elements?
- I have my Subroutine in one Report and that I want to Use that one in another Report, How is it possible?
- What are the various techniques of BDC?
- How many pushbuttons u can create in application toolbar in selection screen?
- Suppose I call one subroutine for another report , but that is not exists what will be the result?
- What are Control Break Commands?
- What are different Modes of displays in Call Transaction in BDC?
- How many secondary Lists u can create in a Report?
- What is SQL Trace?
- What is LUW?
- Have you worked with reading and writing data on to files?
- Have you created tables in SAP? What are client dependent and independent tables? How do you create independent tables?
- Have you used client dependent ABAP programs?
- Have you used SM30 and SM31 transactions?
- Have you used WS Upload? Difference between WS Upload and Upload.
- What is the syntax for eliminating the duplicates in Internal table.
- In dialog programming how many events are there
- What is the difference between report program and dialog program
- How many secondary lists can be made thro a report program
- How do you identify a line from the basic list.
- What is meant by a client
- How many dictionary objects are there and list all
- What is the function module used to print in a layout set
- How do you execute a layout set in a program
- What is the difference between transparent and non transparent database tables
- How many select statements are there and list those.
- What is meant by development class
- What is meant by BDC. How many methods of BDC are there
- What is the transaction to log the errors in BDC
- How many sessions can be opened max. in SAP
- How many secondary lists can be made in interactive report
- What are the difference between table controls and step loops in dialog programming
- What is the difference between Function module and Sub routine.
- What is initialization.
- What is ALE, IDOC , EDI , RFC. Explain briefly.
- What is a binary search
- What does SM35 transaction do?
- Types of User Exits, what kind of work is done on these exits?
- How will you find out where the user exits are available?
- SMOD and CMOD transactions
- Difference between Table-Controls and Step-loops
- Have you created any transactions?
- Import & Export
- How many interactive reports did you write?