Understanding the Difference Between Delegates and Events in C#

Category > CSHARP || Published on : Wednesday, March 15, 2023 || Views: 580 || C# Delegates Events Programming Methods Functions

However, there are some key differences between them that are important to understand in order to use them effectively. In this article, we will discuss the difference between delegates and events in C# and provide example C# code to illustrate these concepts.

Delegates and events are two important concepts in C# programming that are often used interchangeably. However, there are some key differences between them that are important to understand in order to use them effectively.

Delegates in C# A delegate is a type that represents a reference to a method with a specific signature. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C or C++. They can be used to pass methods as arguments to other methods or to store a reference to a method as a member variable.

In C#, delegates are defined using the delegate keyword, followed by the signature of the method they will reference. For example:

public delegate int Operation(int x, int y);

This defines a delegate named Operation that takes two integers as arguments and returns an integer.

Delegates can be instantiated with a method reference using the new keyword, like this:

Operation add = new Operation(Add);

This creates a new instance of the Operation delegate that references the Add method.

Events in C# Events are a way for objects to signal that something has happened. They are often used to notify other parts of a program when a particular action has occurred. For example, a button click event might be raised when a user clicks on a button in a user interface.

In C#, events are defined using the event keyword, followed by the delegate type that will handle the event. For example:

public event EventHandler Click;

This defines an event named Click that will be handled by a method that takes two arguments of type object and EventArgs (or a subclass of EventArgs).

Events are raised using the += operator, like this:

Click += OnClick;

This adds a new event handler to the Click event, which will call the OnClick method whenever the event is raised.

The Difference Between Delegates and Events The key difference between delegates and events is that delegates are a way to reference methods, while events are a way to notify other parts of a program that something has happened.

Delegates can be used to pass methods as arguments to other methods or to store a reference to a method as a member variable. Events, on the other hand, are used to signal that something has happened and to allow other parts of a program to respond to that signal.

Another difference between delegates and events is that events can only be raised from within the class that defines them. This helps to ensure that events are only raised in appropriate circumstances and are handled by the appropriate methods.

Example Code Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between delegates and events:

using System;

public class Program
    public delegate void MyDelegate(string message);

    public event MyDelegate MyEvent;

    public void RaiseEvent(string message)
        Console.WriteLine("Raising event: " + message);

    public void HandleEvent(string message)
        Console.WriteLine("Handling event: " + message);

    public void Run()
        MyDelegate myDelegate = HandleEvent;
        myDelegate("Using a delegate");

        MyEvent += HandleEvent;
        RaiseEvent("Using an event");

    public static void Main()
        Program program = new Program();

In this example, a delegate named MyDelegate is defined that takes a string argument and returns void. The program also defines an event named MyEvent that uses the MyDelegate delegate type.

The Run method demonstrates how delegates and events can be used. First, a MyDelegate instance is created and called using a regular method call. Then, an event handler is added to the MyEvent event and the event is raised using the RaiseEvent method.