How to add Tooltip to listbox item using with Asp.Net C# example

Category > ASP.NET || Published on : Thursday, May 7, 2015 || Views: 8652 || add Tooltip to listbox item

Represents a list box control that allows single or multiple item selection. listbox server control allow us to select a single item or multiple items at a time. listbox ToolTip property allow us to get or set a text to display when the mouse pointer hover over the listbox server control.
but listbox does not have no built in property to display tooltip for individual item. ListItem 'title' attribute and its value allow us to display tooltip on the item when user mouse hover over the specified item. so we loop through the listbox items collection and add title attribute to its item's attributes collection. finally listbox control display different tooltip for its different item. we applied item text to display as tooltip.

So lets starts the the below procedure to implement to add Tooltip to listbox item using with Asp.Net C# example